A Catholic Church marriage tribunal granted an annulment because a wife failed to disclose to her husband that she had an OnlyFans page with erotic content prior to the marriage and maintained an active account on the adults only platform after the marriage. It is important to note that the Catholic Church does not grant divorce and so the annulment means that the marriage was invalid based on dishonesty or deception and emotional infidelity.
The tribunal ruled that the wife in this particular case had violated Canon 1101 of the Code of Canon Law by excluding her fidelity at the time of the marriage.
For all Catholic marriages to be valid the must adhere to three fundamental pillars:
- the absence of impediments
- that the celebration of the marriage complies with the liturgical regulations of the Church
- there is free and voluntary consent.
A priest reviewed the matter and further substantiated that in this case, “the moral certainty that an essential property of married life, such as fidelity, was lacking.”
Fidelity is directly affected, since there is not a total gift of self. The wife is active on an adults only erotic platform performing and engaging in intimacy with men other than her husband and platforms like OnlyFans, whose purpose is erotic or pornographic, the ‘one flesh’ bond is morally and sacramentally broken.
Many marriages are being derailed and destroyed due to the weakness of “average” wives performing on erotic platforms such as OnlyFans and engaging in nudity or erotic entertainment to earn money. These marriages also implode when weak men become corrupted and give in to temptation and engage in consuming the erotic or pornographic content from technology platforms such as OnlyFans to feed their pornography addictions. When we refer to weakness we are specifically referring to moral, mental, character and spiritual weakness.
Effects of Pornography on Marriage
The effects of pornography on marriage including the following divorce statistics involving the internet, erotic or pornographic entertainment and infidelity, according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers are alarming:
- 68 percent of divorce cases involved one party meeting a new paramour over the Internet
- 56 percent involved “one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites”
- 47 percent involved “spending excessive time on the computer”
- 33 percent involved spending excessive time in chat rooms (a commonly sexualized forum
Cybersex, which often takes place in these chat rooms, was a major factor in separation and divorce: In over 22 percent of the couples observed the spouse was no longer living with the “cybersex” addict, and in many of the other cases spouses were seriously considering leaving the marriage or relationship
Sadly the prevalence of moral decay within our society where women and men are actively engaging, participating or consuming erotic or pornographic entertainment and porn addiction continues to contribute to amorality, family dysfunction and divorces.
Any woman who actively engages or performs in erotic or pornographic entertainment allows her husband to engage in pornography is complicit in corrupting him and should not be surprised when these activities lead to amoral lifestyles and unhealthy, unsustainable marriage.