Wifey University




The person we choose to marry is the most important decision of our lives. Thus, establishing a plan for long-term success in marriage is mission critical. The benefits of planning and establishing your marriage as a successful, healthy, profitable, appreciating asset and business has many advantages and delivers exponential return on investment for winning wives in the know. Get wise.

Wifey University delivers the marriage intelligence and marriage metrics technology powered by data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning to create custom marriage business plans based on your unique marriage, marital profiles and marriage visions. We’ve all heard the quote, “Fail to Plan. Plan To Fail.” The wives (and husbands) who fail to plan, plan to fail in marriage. The wives without a customized Marriage Business Plan based upon Marriage Intelligence and Marriage Metrics are disproportionately over-represented in perfectly preventable marital conflict, couple misalignment, incompatibility, communication breakdowns, relationship ambiguity, stressors, legal cases for domestic, civil or criminal matters, financial woes, bankruptcy, moral decay, threats to marriage, high risk lifestyles, under-achievement, relationship regret, unpleasant surprises, health decline, mental weakness, worry, anxiety, cognitive decline, emotional immaturity,  willful ignorance, headaches, useless on loop marriage therapy, neurotoxic psychiatric drug treatment, iatrogenic harm and inevitably: divorce. Get wise.

Marriage Business Plans empowers clients to establish their marriages as a sustainable business model with comprehensive visibility into every conceivable aspect of the most intimate relationship most of us are privileged to experience within our lifetimes. With Marriage Business Plans clients engage in the essential preparation to manage, navigate or entirely avoid marital challenges by leveraging data, predictive analytics, logic, statistics and modeling with foresight and attention to every detail of marriage based upon our invaluable Marriage Intelligence and Marriage Metrics. Get wise.

Marriage Business Plans was founded in 2014 by Wifey University Founder and Head of School, Rhonda Coleman Albazie, Alpha Wife with three plus decades of divorce-proof sustainable marriage engineering expertise, a serial entrepreneur with a background in investment banking and business development, business planning and business consulting. At the prestigious, Wifey University creating customized marriage business plans was a welcome addition to the rigorous Executive Wife Training curriculum to insure the high achievement, self-expansion, autonomy, cognitive iq and emotional iq enhancement agenda of  wife alumi and also to guarantee their get wisery regarding effective planning, management and maintenance of a marriage — and mission critical, execution of the business of marriage. Get wise.

Marriage Business Plans, the two semester course, offered at Wifey University Platinum Level is available for $1299.00 per semester. 

Marriage Intelligence, Marriage Metrics, Data Science, Predictive Analytics, Behavior and Sentiment Analysis, Modeling, Research, Business Planning

Marriage Business Plans offers market intimacy on the high stakes business of marriage, globally. Get wise.

Our Marriage Business Plan consultants provide attention, confidentiality, concierge consulting required to create a solid, pro-plan that exceeds your expectations and meets your marriage business goals. Our client base is diverse and we collaborate with individuals serious about achieving success in marriage, including women, brides and current wives as well as men, grooms, current husbands and also, divorced women and divorced men. Our process begins by assessing the scope of your marriage business and analyzing current or candidate relationships. Marriage Intelligence and Marriage Metrics based  plans are created to guide the intelligent wife (or husband) through the evolving and challenging landscapes of the high stakes business of marriage, dating and divorce. Using a marriage business plan cuts the possibility of partnering with an incompatible, high risk, non-sustainable mate and/or divorcing down by over 87%. Marriage Business Plans is your step-by-step playbook to win the game of marriage. This means that using a marriage business plan dramatically improves your mate selection process and lays the groundwork in planning for complete marriage success. Marriage Business Plans are for intelligent men and women only. Individuals and couples who have the capacity for limitless self expansion and a seat at the top social strata tables. A marriage business plan eliminates the need for fail to plan, plan to fail, know no better, primitive and obsolete marriage therapy which drains you, causes you to dig up and live in the past, manipulates and leads you astray, fast tracks divorce, puts you on an emotional roller-coater and milks you of your money with no value added return reciprocated. Marriage Business Plans empowers you to live in the present by planning for a sustainable marriage future, saving you time, hard earned income, energy, emotional labor and effort. Savings afforded by a marriage business plan allows you to reallocate that emotional energy to relevant pursuits and those other saved resources can be reinvested into your investments or self expansion fund or other budget line item funds. Remedial learner marriage therapy client or divorce statistic, no more! When you know better, you do better. Marriage Business Plans is the better you’ve searched for and need. Get wise.



The primary classes and levels of marital business plans offered by our consultancy are :

Social Class, Corporate Community, Policy Planning Network  

Designed to attract national and international venture capital, private equity and angel investors in high profile marriage businesses; for power couples at the top echelons of the social class 

Level I | The One Percent, Influencer, Socialite, Celebrity

Level II  |  CEO Level Executive, Corporate Officer, Majority Shareholder, Policy Planner

Level III | Self Employed – Entrepreneur Level I  – Unicorn

Management Class 

Designed for small business marriage or local community funding 

Level IV | Upper Middle Class

Level V  | Self Employed – Entrepreneur Level II

Supervisory Class 

Designed for empowerment and achievement bound generation next leadership marriage businesses and scholarships 

Level VI         College Student or Grad Student

Level VII        Self Employed – Entrepreneur Level III

Working Class 

Designed for ones to watch and philanthropic grants 

Level VIII | Working Class or Self Employed Level IV

Level IX  | Expat Wife With No Income, No Assets Nor Inheritances

Divorced or Single Class 

Designed for remedial learning class relationships 

Level 10 |  Divorced, Staring The Marriage Game All Over


Market Intimacy On Marriage Intelligence, Marriage Metrics and Marriage Business Plans

Our proprietary Marriage Intelligence and Marriage Metrics Technologies Based On Ai, Machine Learning and Data Science

Save Your Time, Effort and Money

We Are The World Leader In Marriage Business Plans With Decades of Experience

Our Team Delivers Ethics Above Reproach

Your Marriage Business Plan Is Done Right

Build Relationships and Investors In Your Marriage Business Plan

We Deliver Top Quality, Customized Marriage Business Plans

Proven Marriage Business Plans System For Sustainable Marriage Engineering

Strict Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement For Your Privacy and Peace of Mind

Alpha Wife Worthy Marriage Intelligence



Internal Family Office Planning and Execution

Business Acquisition


Strategic Alliances

Immigration Visas E2, EB5, L1


Intelligent Wives

Intelligent Husbands

Smart Couples Planning Marriage

Divorced Couples

Family Members With Vested Interested In Marriage

Intelligence Community


Cover Page

Marriage Intelligence and Analysis

Table of Contents

Tapestry Segments | Socio-Economic Demographics

Executive Husband and Executive Wife Spousal Summary

Demographics Summary

Marriage Objectives

Marriage Marketing Strategy and Implementation

Marriage Mission Statement

Technological Empowerment and Digital Assets Summary

Keys To Sustainable Marriage Engineering Summary

SWOT of Marriage Analysis

Social Network, Allies and Adversaries Assessment

Marriage Traps

Moral Analysis

Ethics Analysis

Prior Relationship or Divorce Report

Divorce Risk Analysis

Wife and Husband Cognitive IQ Summary

Wife and Husband Emotional IQ Summary

Wife and Husband Medical Summary

Nutrition, Diet, Weight, Exercise, Pathogens, Disease, Disability, Aging Assessment and Predictive Mortality Summary

Prevention and Reversal Plan of Health Threats Summary

Wife and Husband Biometrics Report

Wife and Husband Facial Recognition Report

Wife and Husband Criminal History and Background Check

Wife and Husband Polygraph Exam

Wife and Husband Identity Verification

Wife and Husband Values, Morals, Beliefs, Ideology, Indoctrination and Religious Experience Report

Marriage Etiquette Analysis

Triggers and Fears Summary

Marriage Compatibility Summary

Teamwork Capacity Assessment

Infidelity, Addiction, Abuse, Vice and Moral Decay Temptation Assessment

Wife and Husband Sensual and Sexual Preferences, Sexual Demands and Frequency, Romance, Fantasies, Alerts and Sexual Experiences or STD Report and Screening

Sexual Compatibility Assessment

Intimacy Compatibility Assessment

Wife and Husband Abuse, Trauma, Addition, Substance Use/Abuse or Experience Report and Substance Screening

Wife and Husband Individual SWOT Reports

Wife and Husband Financial Literacy Scores, Spending Habits, Views On Money

Wife and Husband Family History, Family Background Check, In-Law Assessment, Family Conflicts, Family SWOT

Dysfunctional Family Score

Family Planning Summary

Marital Residence Summary

Marriage Business Operations Summary

Marriage Business Wife and Husband Roles and Responsibilities and Expectations

Wife and Husband Negotiation Skills Summary

Wife and Husband Conflict Resolution Score

Wife and Husband Mental Toughness Score

 Wife and Husband Behavior Analytics

Wife and Husband Worldview and Politics Summary

Wife and Husband Mood and Sentiment Analysis

Marriage Business Predictive Modeling

Marriage Business Plan Vision

Marriage Business Plan Deal Breakers

Investing Spouses Return Summary

Investing Spouses Exit Strategy

Pre-Nup Brief

Post-Nup Brief

Wife and Husband Rider Addendum

Marital Legal Agreement Requirements

Marital Estate Plan

Marital Legacy Summary

Marriage Milestones

Marriage Assets

Wife Assets

Husband Assets

Spouses Marriage Business Shareholder Agreement

Wife Credit Score and Credit Reports

Husband Credit Score and Credit Reports

Wife Profit and Loss Statement

Husband Profit and Loss Statement

Wife Outstanding Debts/Liabilities

Husband Outstanding Debts/Liabilities

Marital Financial Overview

Marriage Management Summary

Marriage Business Summary

Marriage Management Gaps

Marriage Business Ownership

Marriage Business Financial Summary

Pre-Marriage Business Operating Source and Use Funds

Marriage Business Revenue Forecast

Marriage Business Monetization

Marriage Business Branding

Marriage Business Products and Services

Marriage Business Professions

Marriage Business Investments

Marriage Business Inheritances

Marriage Business Heirs

Marriage Business Family Affairs

Marriage Business Domestic Personnel Forecast

Marriage Business Executive Team Forecast

Marriage Business Market Needs

Marriage Business Market Solutions

Marriage Business Statement of Cashflow

Marriage Business Market Analysis

Marriage Business Market Segmentation

Marriage Business Balance Sheet

Marriage Business Proposed Budget

Marriage Business Spouse Allowance

Marriage Business Competitive Landscape

Marriage Business Break Even Analysis

Marriage Business Industry Summary

Marriage Business Best and Worst Case

Marriage Business Appendix – Year 1 Financials

Marriage Business Appendix – Year 3 Year Financials

Complimenting the Wifey Marriage Coaching wheelhouse, our exclusive and personalized Marriage Business Plans service and solutions rich architecture champions clients to executive wife wins in the high stakes business of marriage. We focus on the key metrics that are instrumental to sustainable marriage engineering and exponential wife wealth. Because no two wives nor marriages are in any way alike, Wifey Marriage Coaching and Marriage Business Plans are developed for the sui generis wife. Get wise.


Contact Us In Complete Confidence For A Free Quote

Pay A Retainer or 50% Deposit

All Stakeholders Sign NDAs

You Are Assigned A Dedicated Marriage Business Plan Consultant

Assessment Process Begins Including Q&As About Your Marriage Business Goals, Vision, Background, Finances, Family, Medical and More

Marriage Intelligence Is Accessed and Leveraged For Your Marriage Business Plan

Marriage Metrics Are Applied To Your Marriage Business Plan

A Marriage Business Plan Modeler Develops Your Marriage Business Plan

A Marriage Business Plan Writer Writes Your Marriage Business Plan

Your Marriage Business Plan Is Completed And The Remaining 50% Balance Is Due

Your Marriage Business Plan Is Placed In Final Preview Mode

You May Choose Various Upgrades From Marriage Business Plans A La Carte Menu

Marriage Business Plans Ala Carte : Branding, Engraving, MPB Cases, MBP Digital Story, MBP PR, MBR Introductions, MBP Monitoring Service

MBP Delivers Digital Storytelling For Husbands and Wives

MBP PR Delivers Publicity, Publicists and Public Relations Services For Husbands and Wives

MBP Introductions Serves As A Professional Introduction Solution For Society Events and Interlocked Network Introductions

MBP Monitoring Provides Milestones Assessments, Advisory And Accountability Solutions For Married Couples

Your Marriage Business Plan Final Hard Copies Are Delivered By White Glove Concierge Service and/or Encrypted and Digitally Accessible

You Have 45 Days To Request Marriage Business Plan Revisions

Marriage Business Plan Addendum Service Is Available At Additional Rates


The coveted, best kept secret of alpha, happy, intelligent and sustainably married wives : Get wise with Marriage Business Plans. 


Championing Wifey Wins In The High Stakes Business of Marriage

Marriage Intelligence | Marriage Analysis 

Comprehensive Visibility Into Your Marriage

Empowering Wives To Make Intelligent Marriage Decisions

Saves You And Your Spouse Time By Eliminating Need To Search For Data

Eliminate The Pressure To Figure Things

Manage and Optimize Your Marriage Business Plan Effectively

Need Help? Get Marriage Business Plans

Get Wise | 888-688-WIFEY (888-68809433)



Marriage Business Plans