Wifey University

Marriage Business Plans Brunch

Coronado Island Coronado, CA, United States

Join Wifey University for our monthly Marriage Business Plans Brunch. Fail to plan. Plan to fail. Get wise @WifeyUniversity The World Leader in Marriage Intelligence, Marriage Business Plans, Executive Wife Training and Wife Wealth. Transform your marriage into a lucrative for profit business, define your marriage goals, chart a course for the success sequence with...


Marriage Expectations Anonymous Support Group

Coronado Island Coronado, CA, United States

Wifey University Marriage Expectations Anonymous Support Group | Have a problem with high expectations for your husband and your marriage? There is a solution. Wifey University’s Expectations Anonymous has a program that works for wives. It’s based on wives helping wives. For decades Wifey University has been helping women to evolve from the trap of unrealistic...
