Wifey University

Wifey Meets Hubby Matchmaking Mixer

Wifey University | WIfey Meets Hubby Matchmaking Mixer

Join us for our monthly Wifey Meet Hubby Mixer and get VIP Club Intimacy with marriage ready interlocked network, elite executives on the success sequence. This exclusive event is for…

Wifey’s Couples Retreat Hawaii

Wifey Retreats

Go VIP Club Intimacy, reestablish and recommit to your marriage with Wifey Retreats in Maui, Hawaii for our 5-star adults only couples retreat in Maui, Hawaii. Enjoy romance, intimacy and…


Marriage Intelligence Expo | WIfey University

In introduction of the Wifey University Marriage Intelligence Expo… Get wise on all things marriage intelligence and discover the tips, tools, resources, education and training, experiences, events and community of…